Being Human Is Good For Business Leaders

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Episode Summary

The International Journal of Behavioral Science says that 70% of people experience Impostor Syndrome at some point in their lives. In a recent live show on LinkedIn, the leadership experts at Trilogy Effect sat down to discuss what’s driving this trend and provide some practical tips and advice for people with Imposter Syndrome.

Episode Notes

Have you ever put your success down to a lucky break? Or it’s just because you know people in high places? Or even, somebody somewhere made a mistake that’s landed you with a new opportunity? 

If so, you may be suffering from Imposter Syndrome. It’s that niggling feeling of inadequacy or self doubt you get when you feel you might be out of your depth, despite other people having confidence in you. 

It’s a common problem. The International Journal of Behavioral Science says that 70% of people experience it at some point in their lives.

In a recent live show on LinkedIn, the leadership experts at Trilogy Effect sat down to discuss what’s driving this trend and provide some practical tips and advice for people with Imposter Syndrome. 

Mary Beth Sawicki explains, “It is common, and honestly, I'd be surprised if the number wasn't higher than 70 per cent. Given today's fast-paced environment and the ever-changing landscape that we're all navigating, it's hard not to feel self doubt or uncertainty about what you’ve been tasked with. Yet, when we do a 360-review exercise, for example, most of our clients see that their peers tend to see them as more competent, more effective than they see themselves.”

Heather Marasse says, “Feeling like an imposter isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. It can be a clue that you’re growing as a business leader. As soon as we move beyond our comfort zone, there is a part of us, our ego, that wants to pull us back and have us continue running old patterns, because that has been our success formula throughout our forming years. Getting beyond this can feel awkward but it’s important to step beyond our usual patterns to continue to develop our leadership skills.” 

Wendy Appel advises, “If you are feeling like an imposter because you’ve taken on something new, just remember that this is your growing edge and it’s normal and natural. Think about these feelings as an opportunity to grow. You are embarking on something new, and nobody starts out being perfect at something. You’ll grow into your new role.” 

In this audio recording of the Live show, you’ll learn about:



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