Being Human Is Good For Business Leaders

Lessons from the C-Suite: My First Year

Episode Summary

In this engaging interview, Angela Blanton shares with us the journey she has taken in becoming the finance leader for an organization with a $1.3 billion operating budget and a mission, not only to prepare the next generation for the challenges ahead, but also to instill in them the responsibility to shape the future.

Episode Notes

In Episode 7 of the Being Human is Good For Business Podcast, we welcome Angela Blanton, the Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer of the world-renowned Carnegie Mellon University.

In this engaging interview, Angela shares with us the journey she has taken in becoming the finance leader for an organization with a $1.3 billion operating budget and a mission, not only to prepare the next generation for the challenges ahead, but also to instill in them the responsibility to shape the future. 

She credits the support of having an executive coach (in this case, Heather Marasse) as being crucial to her success in her first C-Suite role. As CFO she took on the leadership of a team of 120 people, over a time period that includes the current pandemic. Her first year in the C-Suite taught her three things:

Angela says, “Coming into this job, I lacked self-confidence and felt more than a little overwhelmed. With Heather’s support, I’ve learned to trust in my abilities as a leader and to trust in my team.  It has really helped us manage through the pandemic and since early March, my team has not skipped a beat.”

Her coach, Trilogy Effect Managing Partner Heather Marasse says, “Learning to trust is a lesson that’s central to the work we do. When you learn to trust, you understand that people come to work to contribute and make a difference. People don’t need to be ‘fixed’. Instead, leadership is about illuminating potential in yourself and in others.” 

Enjoy this episode and learn: 


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